Joe was told by the HR gal at his office yesterday that the insurance WILL cover our homebirth! YAY!!! I guess she talked to the two really "big dogs" at the office and part of the reason is they decided it was crummy to switch the policy in the middle of my pregnancy, and basically yank the rug out from under us. It's unclear if they'll cover homebirths in the future, but as long as we know ahead of time if they won't, we can plan accordingly. No, that does not mean we're planning another baby after this one, but it's good to know anyway.
Prenatal appointment was great yesterday. Baby was measuring right on track, and as I suspected, has finally flipped vertex. Now I just have to keep the bugger from going posterior on me. I'm 30.5 weeks now, so baby is opening and closing eyes, sees light, can distinguish sounds, and weighs somewhere around 3 lbs. So the next time you're in the meat department, find a rump roast that's about three pounds and stick it in your pants to see what it feels like to lug that around...okay...don't really stick it in your pants, you might get in trouble.
I'm feeling pretty darn good, as is typical for me and my pregnancies. The only thing I'm not digging right now is the addition to the front portion of my braces. They are really pretty painful right now, and I kind of wish I could get to be unconscious for the next couple of days until my mouth adjusts. Once again, if you're considering braces and pregnancy at the same time, DON'T DO IT!!
The boys have been enjoying the tennis program through our park district for the last month. Zack was bored out of his mind with playing t-ball last year, so we decided to put Dom and him in tennis this time. Today is their last session, so we're going to start taking them to the park and hitting balls around...they have this short little rackets, and it's so funny to see them dashing all over the court. Mia is in a program where they play different sport every week, and that just started. She wasn't at all interested in hockey last week (and it was cloudy, wet, and cold), so we only stayed for about 10 minutes. I'm hoping her second session on Friday goes better!
If you're on Facebook, you've already seen these pictures, but I thought I'd post them for those who haven't.

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