Joe and I were surprised, but thrilled to find out at the end of December that I was pregnant again. While we weren't trying for another so soon, we weren't abstaining either, and were open to the idea of another pregnancy whenever we were blessed with one. Our OB told us that there is no increased concern in relation to how close this pregnancy is to the miscarriage.
We had some wonky blood work at first, and there was concern about a possible ectopic situation, but everything turned out to be fine. I'm just reaching the end of my first trimester, and everything looks great. We had an ultrasound a few weeks ago at roughly 8 weeks gestation , and were told that if everything looked good at 8 weeks, there is a 97-98% chance that the pregnancy will be fine. We've got one baby, right where s/he belongs, with a good heartbeat! I've been dealing with a lot of anxiety over the last couple of months, but now that it looks like we're in the clear, I'm starting to relax and look forward to being pregnant again.
I've gotten several different due dates, and since I usually carry until 41 weeks, we expect the bean to arrive mid-September...right around Mia's birthday. I can't believe she's going to be 4!
I've been really, really tired, but part of that is probably still anemia from the miscarriage blood loss I had. We'll find out how anemic I still am when I get blood work done next week, but I'm back on the iron supplements and trying to eat as much as I can...I DO NOT recommend orthodontic treatment during pregnancy.
We're planning another home birth, which is a totally different ball of wax in a legal state vs. an illegal one...and a little more annoying, but I'll probably get into that in later posts.
I've decided we're going to keep schooling right through the summer, so that when school starts next year (right when the baby is due) the boys won't get behind when I slow things down for a bit after the birth.
I guess that's the pregnancy news in a nutshell!
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