Mia turned 2 on Sunday!! I'm amazed that she is so old already. I feel like I say that every week! She's talking a lot more, and I've gotten pretty good a "Miaese." We also haven't had any potty misses at home in the last three days! I'm content to say she is an "at home" EC graduate. I think we're almost there on outings, she just needs to remember to tell us when we're somewhere new. She's got Nana's/Papa's, our church, and the parks we frequent figured out, it's just new places where we occasionally have misses. Speaking of parks, we took the kids to Cushing Park this weekend, and as usual they had a blast. Mia spent most of her time in the sandbox, and the boys were all over the place...sand, slides, swings...here are some pics:

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