Two funny stories from Dominic recently:
A) I was putting him to bed, and he was looking at his bedsheets (CARS). He looked at Mater and said "It looks like Mia talking to us!" I'm guessing because she only had two front teeth at the time. I dunno...what do you think?

B) The next day we went for a walk down by the park, and Joe picked some cattails for the boys to play with. On the way home we stopped at Target, and from his carseat Dom said, "Can I buy some toys with my cattail?" I wish!! We'd be livin' the high life then, eh?
Updates on the kids:
Mia has gotten two more upper teeth, so we're up to six now! She is a stair climbing expert, although she hasn't attempted a descent yet. And DANG is she quick! She has also been walking for about two weeks and is quite proud of herself. Here is a pic from her 9 month "shoot" we did I didn't do any Photoshopping to it, 'cause I just don't have time!
The boys are still the boys! They spend most of their days on the porch playing in the little pool we have set up out there. Zack is becoming more interested in writing and reading, so we're enjoying putting his scribbles up on the fridge. They also are both in love with these kids' CD's Nana got for them. I haven't heard adult radio in weeks. Every time we go in the car it's either "Rinocerous Tap," "Dog Train," or "Philadelphia Chickens." I gotta say, I do like the Bacon Brothers singing "Pots and Pans," but the aardvark song gets a little annoying. Here are some pics of the boys:
You might have noticed Dominic's new accessory...if you missed, please please please never go deer'll kill someone. He fractured his tibia on the 23rd of July. We're not exactly sure what happened, but near as we can guess, he and Zack were playing (neither Tasha nor I heard a fight) with her large stuffed snake, and Dom got spun around and smacked his leg into the corner of a wall. On the upside, they said he should be healed in about a total of 3 1/2 the cast is scheduled to come off on the 20th.
They've become quite enthralled with Play-doh recently. Zack made me an Elmo using an Elmo cookie cutter I had:
Tasha is spending more time here since it's summer and that has been great. The boys really miss her when she's gone, and are constantly asking when she's coming back when she leaves. She's a really great big sister, and I think she really enjoys the role. Here is a picture of a "lemonade (because they don't drink tea) party she set up in the pool one day.
That's the last few months in a nutshell. I'll try to update more frequently!
One's walking, the other's in a cast. You have had a busy summer. Miss you all!
Kathy - the kids are growing up so fast! What a great photographer you are!!! Well the cute kids can't hurt... :)
Miss you!
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