Speaking of baby carrots, Mia loves them. She seems to eat anything I mix with them...avacado, homemade rice cereal, and bananas so far. She's 'army crawling' quite effectively now, and can get just about anywhere she wants to go. She also got herself up to sitting from laying down last week. She's growing so fast!!
And the biggest news is that we've had our first really bloody encounter between the boys. Dominic intentionally knocked over something that Zack was building yesterday morning. Zack chased Dom into the hall and pushed him down in retaliation. I followed Zack to discipline him thinking it was just another minor scuffle. I turn to comfort the screaming Dominic only to see blood freely running down his face and onto his clothes and the floor. He'd apparently hit the corner of the wall, and split his head open a good inch and half. I got the bleeding to stop and called my in-laws who were on their way over to help me take the van to the garage (more on that later). Thankfully, they were almost here and they were able to help me get Mia and Dom dressed, and my father-in-law and I took him to Urgent Care. The doctor and nurse were wonderful, but my heart just broke every time he started crying again. Can I just sing the praises of the Urgent Care at that clinic? We were in and out in less time than it would have taken us to even be seen in an ER.
We were given three options for getting the gash closed:
a) topical numbing cream (which would take 45 minutes to soak in and it might not completely numb the area) before they stapled it.
b) injected anesthesia which would probably hurt more than the staples and would require him to pinned down at least twice.
c) just stapling it with no anesthesia.
Great options right? I decided to just let them staple him without anything since that would be the least amount of pinning him down, and it would be over quicker. They wrapped him in a blanket and had the stapling done in literally 20 seconds. He did really well with it overall, and wound up with seven staples in his head. I have to take him back in about a week to get the stapes removed, which after having them removed from my c-section I know won't hurt him. Here's a pic:

On to the van. After the accident, the computer would cause the van to freak out. Periodically while the van was being driven, all of the warning lights would come on, all the gauges (speed, RPM, gas) would drop to zero and not work, and the CD player and radio would try to run and then turn off and on. The only way to get it to stop was to pull over, turn the van off, and open the driver's door.
I told all of this to the garage we took it to when we got the body work done. Apparently they didn't think it important enough to address, so they never looked at it. The van stopped doing it for a while, so we assumed it was fixed. Then, last week it started doing it again. We called the garage, and because it was in the file that they were told about it before, they agreed that it should fit under the lifetime warranty they have on repairs, but the final decision would be up to the insurance company. The insurance company doesn't want to pay for it, because they are claiming there is no way to prove it was caused by the accident because, "it was a rear-end collision, and rear-end collisions don't usually affect the computer systems because the computer is in the front of the vehicle." Um, yeah. Let's see. In a year, the van never did it once, and it started doing it after the accident, so we're pretty sure the incidents are related. Idiots. We're currently arguing with them about it, and we'll see what happens.
Guess that's it for now!
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