I want to update on the kids, since it's been a while since I posted any details on them.
Mia is doing beautifully. It amazes me how quickly they change when they are so little, and I love seeing it when she does new stuff. She's kind of figuring out that she has hands, and she squeals and gurgles at us all the time. She's also figured out how to roll from her back to her side. She's getting much longer, and while she's definately putting on weight, I think she's going to be like Dom and never get that chubby baby look. Because she's so tall, she's been in 3 mos. clothes for about a month already, although I wind up pinning the pants sometimes because they'll slide right off her skinny little butt if I don't.
Mia is doing beautifully. It amazes me how quickly they change when they are so little, and I love seeing it when she does new stuff. She's kind of figuring out that she has hands, and she squeals and gurgles at us all the time. She's also figured out how to roll from her back to her side. She's getting much longer, and while she's definately putting on weight, I think she's going to be like Dom and never get that chubby baby look. Because she's so tall, she's been in 3 mos. clothes for about a month already, although I wind up pinning the pants sometimes because they'll slide right off her skinny little butt if I don't.
On to Dominic. Dom currently has a fixation with picking his nose. Now, it's not like he's digging around up there all the time, but usually at least once a day, he'll come over, proudly show me his index finger and say with great joy, "Look mama, I got a booger!" I'm happy to report this is something Zack never did, but that means we've not had to break a child of this habit before. On a good note, we've discovered that if we let him go without a pull-up on, he'll go potty on the toilet every single time. Yay! Zack went through this phase too, and was potty trained shortly thereafter...another milestone almost reached!
I just had to post this picture of them in their Halloween costumes. Dom's costume was a "one size fits all" kind, and it came to within an inch of touching the ground. So he really did look like a train engine since it covered his whole body! Zack insisted on the motorcross racer costume because of the helmet mask it had. While we were trick-or-treating, however, he decided that he didn't like it, and carried it in his goody bag the whole time. It was kind of chilly out, so we only went to about a dozen houses, but they didn't care, they had fun.
Now to Zack. I'm happy to report that he has appar
ently decided to expand his food choices. After steadfastly refusing to eat green beans for two years, he's decided they aren't so bad. And last week, he pointed to a box of oatmeal and said he wanted some. Zack is easily the texture nut in the family. Anything white or squishy doesn't get on his plate, let alone in his mouth so I was more than a little skeptical that he would eat it. But he was insistent, so I made some up, and watched in shock as he ate the whole bowl! Hopefully this is a sign that we can start to try more veggies...I'm kind of tired of carrots, beans, corn, and broccolli all the time!
Last but not least, Tasha. She is doing pretty well in school, and really likes it. Her volleyball season just ended, so now we're into basketball. She stays overnight most Wednesdays, and starting in January we will be having her every other weekend. I think she likes having us closer, but it's an adjustment having three siblings in a smaller space.
That's it for now!
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