Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Yeah, yeah, I know, it's been a while.

Mia finally has more teeth! She got her two bottom front in when she was three months old, but since then, nothing. Yesterday both of her top two front ones pushed through...which totally explains why she's been crabby lately. She's been pulling herself up on furniture (and my legs) for about a week and half, and walked with a walker for the first time yesterday. I can't believe how big she's getting already!

The boys are good, and are enjoying the warm weather. Dom loves to kick the soccer ball, while Zack is more inclined to play with their big trucks outside.

The van is being fixed this week, and the insurance company is paying for it. Yay! It took me spending half a day on the phone with various mechanics to find out what the problem was...yes, you read that right. The garage had my van for a week and couldn't figure it out, but I got the problem diagnosed over the phone. But hey, at least it's getting fixed.

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