This pregnancy seems to be flying by! I'm 24 weeks now, and am boggled at how fast this seems to be going.
Baby is about 11.5 inches tall, and weighs around 1.3 lbs. S/he is considered "viable" at this point, so if they were born today, there is a 36% chance they could survive. I don't plan on testing that theory. Ears are done, fingernails are done, and eyelids are clearly visible, although fused shut. Baby is developing taste buds, and apparently can taste what I eat...again, something new I learned this pregnancy. His or her eyeballs are also totally formed, although the iris is apparently colorless at this point.
We're all completely enjoying the baby acrobatics that are happening right now. The kids love to watch my belly "bubble" when the baby flips and trying to feel them move and kick. By my next update (around 28 weeks) baby will probably be too big to be flipping and rolling in there, so I'm trying to enjoy it as much as I can.
This pregnancy has me once again knocking around the idea of becoming a Childbirth Educator. I've yet to determine what approach I'd want to teach, since I've used more than one. Given my passion for birth, and increasing awareness of birthing women's rights, I know I'd enjoy it. I also think I'd be pretty good at it. Maybe someday I'll become a doula, but those kinds of hours don't appeal to me with having young and homeschooled kids. So for now, I'm going to look into training next year and being able to make a schedule that would fit our family.