I'm 21 weeks already! Yes the picture is from last weekend...sue me.
At this point, in yet another confusing aspect of obstetrics, they no longer measure baby from head to butt, they measure from head to heel. So Baby is about 10.5 inches right now. That's only about 1/2 inch difference from 19 weeks, but baby has been bulking up as opposed to getting longer. Kiddo weighs somewhere around 12 oz and my belly has gone from 17 cm to 22 in the last month, which my midwife said is great growth. Baby's digestive system is fully functioning now, and s/he is swallowing and eliminating amniotic fluid now...at least it's all sterile! As for looks, s/he is basically a mini version of what they'll look like at birth. All traces of "alien" are gone...we hope.
I can say this kid is a bit of an acrobat. I get feel kicks and squirmies all day, and am enjoying it immensely. The kids have gotten to feel a kick here and there, and since they know the baby can hear, they've starting having conversations with my belly. Zack has described in great detail the tour of the house he will give the baby once s/he is born. :o)
Once out of the first trimester, I really do enjoy being pregnant. I (praise God) do not have difficult pregnancies, and am just trying to remember to enjoy these moments as they are going to be over sooner than I think!
We're still waiting to find out what the new insurance situation is going to be...hopefully that will be resolved soon and I can have one less stress to worry about!