Mia has added the words "yeah" and "no" to her vocabulary. Well, it actually comes out "nooooooo" and kind of sounds like a cross between an owl screeching and a cat getting stepped on. I'll have to see if I can get her doing it on video...
Lori got married this weekend, which meant a drive to Kentucky. We did the trip down in two days...thursday night to Loda, then friday to Kentucky. The return trip on Sundy required we do it all in one shot. We left the hotel parking lot at 10:08 a.m. and pulled into our driveway at 10:04 p.m. Yes, that means 12 hours of traveling with four kids. We set the timer in the van and discovered we were only driving for about 8 1/2 hours, so the other 3 1/2 were pit stops to let the kids decompress and a stop off at the in-laws to get the dog. I will never, ever, EVER go more than six hours in a car in a single day with the kids again. I don't care if it takes us three days to get somewhere.
On the way back we had an interesting experience on I-94. We got curious about the a driver when I was driving behind a car for a few miles. It crossed the center line multiple times, changed lanes without signaling, and cut off several other vehicles. I was uncomfortable driving near the car (figuring the driver had to be drunk), so I passed. When I did, Joe looked into her car to see a young woman texting on her phone with both hands and driving with her knees...I'd like to point out we were going 65 miles an hour. We decided to slow down to see if we could get a video of her stupidity via Joe's phone. We did get video of it, but the quality is not good, and with the glare from the window you can't see what we saw. We think she might have seen us because she floored it so she was several car lengths ahead of us. A little further down the road, the road split in a construction zone, and we went left. She went right. As it happens, we got next to her again, to realize she had added smoking a cigarette to her utterly moronic multitasking. I just cannot believe some people.