The kids are all great. Mia is really liking the "Signing Time" DVD's, and is starting to sign more and more. The boys are remembering them better, but I think I need to work a bit more on signing to them during the day. Use or lose it, ya know?
We swapped bedrooms with the boys, which has made a big difference in the clutter downstairs. They kept bringing all of their toys down to the living room, and I guessed it was because they didn't have much floor space in their room to play. So we gave them the biggest bedroom, and we took theirs. So far, so good, they only bring toys downstairs occasionally, and are much better about cleaning their room up. Now I just have to figure out a way to declutter the's nothing a forklift and a dumpster couldn't fix in a jiff...
We've learned that our landlord intends to refinish the deck this summer...probably at the beginning of August. Which is a really good thing...except for the part where we can't set foot on it for a minimum of 7 days. Yeah, three kids, in the summer, and we're not supposed to go on the deck at all for at least a week. Anyone else see a problem with that? We're probably going to have to go on vacation or something...we're thinking camping for a few days, then maybe visit some friends or family. Eh, we've got time to figure it out I suppose.
We're still getting along just fine with the neighbors, and the kids are really chomping at the bit for the weather to warm up consistently. Just about every day they ask if we can go for a walk to the beach! They really enjoy the big deck, and we're very glad for the fully fenced yard since we can pretty much just kick them out the door and let them play.
Here are a few recent pictures from a train show we took the kids to...and one of Dom after he fell asleep at dinner...again.